The Innocent Project

The Innocent Project is a grass root initiative aimed at empowering small/medium-sized charities, NGO’s and businesses to join forces and resources for a global impact.


  • Join a group of passionate individuals and NGO’s changing lives at a grass root community level.
  • Travel as a community and work closely with the local people to effect change.
  • Create a sustainable cycle of difference by fulfilling and providing resources for development in areas of education, healthcare, recreation, food, water and wellness.
  • The first expedition will focus on Ghana, Nigeria, Congo, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe and Kenya.
  • We acknowledge that various communities need different resources so we will aim to cover.
    • Education
    • Healthcare and Medicine
    • Sports and Recreation
    • Provisions and Wellness



We conduct a systematic investigation/study into what each community needs and produce data for consideration during the discovery stage.

Investigation and Discovery:

Our trained personnel’s conduct physical visitation of the areas of interest and interact with the local community to ensure we understand what they are lacking and need the most in the areas of healthcare, education, provisions and wellness.

Planning and Resource Allocation:

We undertake a full financial disclosure of all donations and disclosure of financial allocations to all selected projects. We aim to work closely with the local artisans to complete our projects and full our mission in each community.

Expedition and Implementation

We travel down to the local areas to actively fulfil our projects by implementing and providing life changing opportunities one community at a time.